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Author David Luebbert
Posted 1/31/06; 10:01:56 AM
Msg# 4725 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4724/4726
Reads 35910

SongTrellis How-Tos

This site now has a How-Tos link as the second link of the link bar that appears atop most pages of the site. At this moment it has a list of 18 How-To explanations and 1 How-Does question.

If you find things that you'd like to do on the site that are not yet explained, read the first How-To item, follow those instructions, and send me a message with your request.

This can guide you through the process of downloading MIDI and MP3  sequences and scores from the site. It will tell you how to post text messages or music to the SongDiscussions. It can tell you how to use the SongTrellis Excerpt Service and how to create music in your Workscore.

Dave sez check it out.

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Last update: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 at 10:02 AM.