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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 1/28/06; 7:30:30 PM
Topic MRCHINN and all the things
Msg# 4720 (in response to 4713)
Prev/Next 4719/4721
Reads 716


Thanks for the kind comments, sorry for the tardy reply, I am finding it impossible to post messages on ST at the moment, and Chas Schoonmaker has kindly agreed to forward this.

I only worked in London during the war years as a schoolboy, finding most of my work in hotels, clubs and restaurants all over England, (plus quite a lot of the world).

I never regarded myself purely as a jazz pianist, and certainly never reached any status as such. Ronnie Scott was almost a neighbour of mine, but I am afraid I never played in his club. I am also an admirer of Bill Evans, and still play one or two of his compositions, like Waltz for Debbie.

Thanks again for posting your thoughts, its good to receive constructive criticism.

Best wishes,


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Last update: Saturday, January 28, 2006 at 7:30 PM.