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Author David Luebbert
Posted 1/21/06; 12:12:33 PM
Topic My Blue Heaven
Msg# 4694 (in response to 4693)
Prev/Next 4693/4695
Reads 2165

The tune would have helped, but it wouldn't have been legal to provide it.

There are legal ways to provide the melody, but they cost money. Any part of SongTrellis that vended the complete melody of tunes would have to charge for downloads to cover the expense.

SongTrellis would need to obtain performance licenses from ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC. The minimum for these is $340 but peforming the actual calculations of fees due per month and generating the periodic reports is nearly as bad as filling out a complicated federal tax form.

We would also need to pay mechanical royalties to the Harry Fox Agency at a rate that is currently set 9.1 cents per download. The rate  is raised by about a half a cent each year.  I think I would have to charge 25 cents per download to cover royalty and reporting expenses. 

The transaction cost of doing an extremely tiny transaction like this is quite considerable. PayPal requires 30 cents per transaction plus 4% of transactions cost. A single MIDI download would have to priced around $.60-$.75 to make it worthwhile. Does this seem like a good deal considering that you can buy complete performances of tunes online for $.99? Granted, it's currently impossible to derive a musical score from an .mp3 performance but it's very easy to produce a printable score from a MIDI sequence if you own  appropriate software. Appropriate software would be the SongTrellis Editor For Macintosh or MIDI Notate for PC users.

If particular completely arranged tunes of SongTrellis quality in MIDI format that were individually chosen by you and were available for purchase in batches of 10 and  sold for $2.50, would that seem like a good deal? Inquiring minds, Dave Luebbert among them, would like to know.

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Last update: Saturday, January 21, 2006 at 3:00 PM.