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Author David Luebbert
Posted 1/13/06; 9:25:55 AM
Msg# 4660 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4659/4661
Reads 2484

There's Good Stuff Being Made on That SongTrellis Server

Because I'm the webmaster, I can peek at what folks are working on in their workscores. Since those explanations went up yesterday eve, I see that five different chord progressions are on-the-build. That's a big improvement, which gives me hope that lots of folks are going to be able to understand how the music composition pages on SongTrellis work.

I'll try to do something similar today on behalf of the Workscore Composer, so we can get complete compositions produced onsite.

Wee-hah! This is the kind of thing that gets a software developer excited and raring to do new things.

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Last update: Friday, January 13, 2006 at 9:25 AM.