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Composer David Luebbert    (click to list other tunes)
Submitted by David Luebbert
Posted 1/9/06; 4:30:00 PM
Msg# 4654 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4653/4655
Reads 3323

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I copied the chord changes invented by Terry on Saturday that he posted to "Harmony Projects". I followed  the Excerpt Service link at the bottom of his posting, selected his seven bar progression using the controls in the Excerpt page, and pressed the "Add Excerpt Chords" button at the bottom of the page to copy the selection into my empty workscore.

.I did that copy operation at 3:18pm today. By 3:40pm, I had completed this melody line.

To invent this, I chose the "Shuffle-Reverse Shuffle" rhythm pattern and then did "Insert Rest At End" twice to find the beginning attack in the first bar where I wanted the first phrase to begin. I did "Improvise New Idea" to generate a possible first phrase. That phrase created a phrase that ended in the middle of the second bar. I didn't like any of those 2nd bar notes and deleted them by counting how many there were, filled that number in the Delete control group and pressed the Delete button to blow those notes away.

I inserted more spaces, then did Improvise New Idea repeatedly, deleteing what was generated each time until I found something I liked for the second phrase. Again I had to delete notes at the end of the phrase thatI disliked.

For phrase number 3, I tried different combinations of the triplet rhythm patterns scaled by a factor of 2, doing Improvise New Idea and then deleteing inappropriate stuff at the end of the generated phrases.

For the next two phrases, I switched to different rhythm patterns that had duples in them, doing Improvise New Ideas with appropriate Deletes. The last little two notw phrase, I switched the duration to eighth note and used Enter Next Scale Tone twice. The last note didn't seem like it was placed on a satisfactory ending note, so I used "Transpose lst note a half step" up and down a few times till I found the pitch I liked.

At the end I had to delete seven chord from the end of the score, because "Improvise New Idea" replicates the existing chord progression and pastes  another copy of that at the end of score when the improvisor code needs to invent a phrase that is in danger of exhausting the existing chord progression.

Also had to add the last seven beats of rest by doing Insert Rest At End.

Begun: <P>I copied the <A href="$4652" ;>chord changes invented by Terry</A> on Saturday that he posted to "Harmony Projects". I followed  the Excerpt Service link at the bottom of his posting, selected his seven bar progression using the controls in the Excerpt page, and pressed the "Add Excerpt Chords" button at the bottom of the page to copy the selection into my empty workscore. </P>  <P>.I did that copy operation at 3:18pm today. By 3:40pm, I had completed this melody line. </P>  <P>To invent this, I chose the "Shuffle-Reverse Shuffle" rhythm pattern and then did "Insert Rest At End" twice to find the beginning attack in the first bar where I wanted the first phrase to begin. I did "Improvise New Idea" to generate a possible first phrase. That phrase created a phrase that ended in the middle of the second bar. I didn't like any of those 2nd bar notes and deleted them by counting how many there were, filled that number in the Delete control group and pressed the Delete button to blow those notes away. </P>  <P>I inserted more spaces, then did Improvise New Idea repeatedly, deleteing what was generated each time until I found something I liked for the second phrase. Again I had to delete notes at the end of the phrase thatI disliked. </P>  <P>For phrase number 3, I tried different combinations of the triplet rhythm patterns scaled by a factor of 2, doing Improvise New Idea and then deleteing inappropriate stuff at the end of the generated phrases. </P>  <P>For the next two phrases, I switched to different rhythm patterns that had duples in them, doing Improvise New Ideas with appropriate Deletes. The last little two notw phrase, I switched the duration to eighth note and used Enter Next Scale Tone twice. The last note didn't seem like it was placed on a satisfactory ending note, so I used "Transpose lst note a half step" up and down a few times till I found the pitch I liked. </P>  <P>At the end I had to delete seven chord from the end of the score, because "Improvise New Idea" replicates the existing chord progression and pastes  another copy of that at the end of score when the improvisor code needs to invent a phrase that is in danger of exhausting the existing chord progression. </P>  <P>Also had to add the last seven beats of rest by doing Insert Rest At End. </P>

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Last update: Monday, January 9, 2006 at 4:49 PM.