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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/25/05; 9:35:35 PM
Topic Moonglow
Msg# 4547 (in response to 4545)
Prev/Next 4546/4548
Reads 1456

If you click on the GIF image with your mouse while displaying it with many browsers, an icon will appear which will allow you to magnify the gif to full resolution onscreen. After you've done that, you'll be able to print it with your browser.

Even if that is not available to you, you can save the GIF image to your disk using your browsers contextual menus (brought up by right click on the GIF on Windows, or option click on Macs). After it's saved, you can open it with a graphics editor or Word, and view it at full resolution.

So to the answer the question, I'll not be doing anything special to the images, but you have several easy options to allow you to see the scores at full resolution a few moments after you've accessed them on SongTrellis.

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Last update: Monday, April 25, 2005 at 9:35 PM.