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Don't Rush Me

Composer Napoleon Joseph Martin    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©2001 Ryeside Music (BMI)
Submitted by Nappy Martin
Posted 1/17/05; 4:18:40 PM
Msg# 4465 (top msg in thread)
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DON'T RUSH ME      (expect long intro!)

ba-by ba-by, what-cha try-in' to say
no it's not that i don't trust you, but i know
things ain't work-in' in their na-tur-al way
and it's time i set my mind to tell you so
in-se-cur-i-ties are hold-ing you fast
to the no-tion you must tight-en up these reins
un-der-stand-ing you've been hurt in the past
still i can't a-bide you tug-ging at my veins

heed me close-ly and iíll spell it out once more,
sen-si-tive and tact-ful as i can
i can't whisk a-way what's hap-pened be-fore
but this i know for sure, iím ready to im-plore

(don't rush me) i want you so,
but need to know, you'll let it grow
just give me time, in which to find
if i'm in-clined, to make you mine
don't rush me please

hav-ing made the point and hold-ing my ground
though itís not been my con-ven-tion to ab-stain
why risk lay-ing our re-la-tion-ship down
for to bear the same in-dig-ni-ties a-gain
re-al-iz-ing iíve had hurts of my own
can you find it in your heart to let ëem heal
thereíll be time e-nough for mend-ing whatís blown
and weíll need it all to har-vest what is real

heed me close-ly and iíll spell it out once more,
sen-si-tive and tact-ful as i can
i can't whisk a-way what's hap-pened be-fore
but this i know for sure, iím ready to im-plore

(don't rush me)  i want you so
but need to know, you'll let it grow
just give me time, in which to find
if i'm in-clined, to make you mine
don't rush me please, please

i want you so, but need to know,
you'll take it slow, and let it grow
please give me time, in which to find,
if i'm de-signed, to make you mine
don't rush me

don't rush me, don't rush me,
don't rush me, don't rush me,
don't rush me, don't rush me,
don't rush me, don't rush me

Copyright ©2001 Ryeside Music (BMI)

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Last update: Monday, January 17, 2005 at 5:35 PM.