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Yours Forever More

Composer Napoleon Joseph Martin    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©2004 Ryeside Music (BMI)
Submitted by Nappy Martin
Posted 1/10/05; 7:01:44 PM
Msg# 4456 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4455/4457
Reads 2533

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With a mountain for a pulpit did Our Savior sound the call

To a gathíring of the masses who had come to be enthralled

By the promise of a Kingdom where in peace theyíd tend their herds

And they marveled at His wisdom taking comfort in these words:


For the homeless and the broken, for the meek and for the poor

For the guileless and the slandered, all who emnity endure

For the victims of injustice, I will hold open the door

To the shelter of My Kingdom, Yours forever more


And for countless generations has the call been tolled anew

To the souls of ev'ry nation our commitment to renew

Seeking Jesusí endless mercy, may in joy we tend His herds

Growing stronger in His wisdom, as reflected in these words:


For the helpless, and the blemished, for the lonely, fraught with fear

For the thirsty and the hungered, who in My Name shed your tears

For the patient, eversuff'ring, I will rush you through the door

To the shelter of My Kingdom, Yours forever more

To the shelter of My Kingdom, Yours forever more


Copyright ©2004 Ryeside Music (BMI)

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Last update: Monday, January 10, 2005 at 7:01 PM.