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Author David Luebbert
Posted 1/2/05; 3:54:29 PM
Topic West Coast Blues
Msg# 4445 (in response to 4441)
Prev/Next 4444/4446
Reads 1772


I'm willing to program the SongTrellis Editor to produce such analyses, but am unwilling to satisfy your request until that feature exists.

I enter scores for the site using the editor in a few moments, entering chords by name, root, and duration. The editor takes care of voicing the progression and creates the printable scores when the generated progression is saved. I depend on those automatic features to provide the time leverage necessary to create the SongTrellis site, while continuing development of the SongTrellis Editor.

This is actually a hard feature to produce because I'll have to create an algorithm that accurately identifies the key of a tune and the changes of key within it to correctly produce the Roman Numeral analysis.

I've learned enough music theory since starting the site to invent this. It's likely that I will eventually do it.

However, this is not currently on my to-do list.  I would not expect your request to be quickly satisfied unless another SongTrellis member  wishes to take it on.

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Last update: Sunday, January 2, 2005 at 9:00 PM.