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What Did I Do

Composer Napoleon Joseph Martin    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©1999 Ryeside Music (BMI)
Submitted by Nappy Martin
Posted 12/22/04; 2:12:24 PM
Msg# 4424 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4423/4425
Reads 2045

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what did i do to deserve you

what did i do to deserve you

given my dreams, given my means

how did it seem i could serve you

what did i do to allure you

what did i say to assure you

through all the pain, can you explain

was it the way adored you

for you bent for me the sunlight

through every drop of rain

and true to all the years of hindsight

i knew at last iíd reached the rainbowís end

then you filled my days with gladness

that warmed those once-eternal nights

and lost was any cause for sadness

by God above, to win your love

tell me angel true, what did i do


+ half-step (break, verse form)


why did you choose to abide me

seeing the view from beside me

how would we find treasure divine

were you assigned here to guide me

for you season with the sunlight

every luscious drop of rain

and through these blessed years of free flight

weíve shared a world of rainbows end to end

for you fill my days with gladness

that warm the coldest winter nights

and gone is any cause for sadness

by God above, to win your love

tell me angel true, what did i do


Copyright ©1999 Ryeside Music (BMI)

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Last update: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 at 2:12 PM.