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Composer Napoleon Joseph Martin    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©2004 Ryeside Music (BMI)
Submitted by Nappy Martin
Posted 12/18/04; 12:57:57 PM
Msg# 4421 (top msg in thread)
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in a dimly lit yard does a lover stand guard

for a sign from a maid in seclusion

for awhile he's alone then a light switch is thrown

will tonight he find life or illusion

in a moment their fate is decided

heíll awaken to love unrequited, strummingbird

vanity romancer, cantors to a jewel box dancer

playing out his valentino dream

hinging on her smile his self-esteem

floating toward her window, verses of cielito lindo

wondering if mam· downstairs can hear

seÒ orita cries come save me strummingbird

doot doot, doom-by-yayÖ


with his trophy in view, it is all he can do

to await her reply to his flaunting

but with eyes made of stone and a spine void of bone

in her silence sheís all the more daunting

be it questionable his ambition

heíll at least lead her not to perdition, strummingbird

wistfully he winces, pleading to his porcelain princess

loneliness was never meant to share

havenít you a dance for me to spare

lavishing attention, stripped of every known convention

loverboy asserts his fantasy

longing for the cry come save me strummingbird

how she wishes that she were so free


doot doot, doom-by-yayÖ


c. 2004 Ryeside Music (BMI)


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Last update: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 at 5:27 PM.