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Author David Luebbert
Posted 6/16/00; 1:56:52 PM
Msg# 442 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 441/443
Reads 1971

This is a letter I sent this morning to Dave Winer, the webmaster of and He is also the chief developer and architect of Manila, the software that serves this site.


It was really amazing to watch what happened once I included a single link back to the SongTrellis site from my Blues,Thunder and Beauty site on around 5:15 pm last night.

At 5:30pm, I instantly got three folks browsing SongTrellis that were launched from Blues, Thunder and Beauty. And it was thrilling to watch these folks use the site via the http log, because they were really exploring it. Their knowledge of how a Manila site is put together meant they wandered all over, even the nooks and crannies, and were finding a lot of the things that I always hope my visitors will come across. They were also staying in the site for a long time. I had four or five folks last night who stayed on SongTrellis for longer than a half an hour.

By the way, thanks for your nice words last night in Scripting News. I noticed that you had linked to me around 10pm. And actually you discovered my submission with no notification from me. My logs show that traffic ramped higher around 9:30pm so I'd guess that was close to the time you inserted the link. Nevertheless, I was getting two or three times the normal traffic almost entirely due I'd guess to the activity monitoring links you've placed on Traffic remained very strong thru the wee hours last night and thru daylight hours this morning.

I'm going to make sure I put similar activity monitors on SongTrells. Also based on this experience, I'm going to contact the various composers around the Web even if they have their own Web sites, and invite them to place work on SongTrellis. There is apparently great value in having a presence on virtual village squares like EditThisPage. Maybe I can make SongTrellis one of the parts of Manila-dom where the musicians like to hang out.

All the best,

Dave Luebbert

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Last update: Friday, June 16, 2000 at 2:16 PM.