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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 9/10/04; 7:59:37 PM
Msg# 4323 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4322/4324
Reads 1301


    I was swampng thru a bunch of old Beatles tunes on the Trellis and came across a  ' hiccup'  probably produced by your editor.

   " All My Loving "   ( 1187 )  has a number of  Dbma7s   following a C#min in the title phrase ...on the way down to an E.

   I believe the Dbma7 chord positions might be better served by using a  C#mi-ma7 instead.   They differ by only a single note but in the context of the tune,  and given that the old   '  minor -- min/ma7 -  min7 '    is a common logical descend that has probably been around since late Gregorian Chants,   I'll bet yer machine was suffering a bit of indigestion at the time.    Otherwise the rest of the GIF sheet works out just fine.. and thanks for that.


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