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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 1/15/04; 8:18:05 PM
Msg# 4094 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4093/4095
Reads 2866

This is one of Claude Debussy's most remarkable and delicate short pieces. It may be listed as a prelude with name later attached. I don't know ....but what I have found in searching the web is that there are many, many laborious ( and boring ) tab sheets available for this piece and I can't find anything with the direct alpha-numeric format Davidlu uses so well on the Trellis.

Since it's a Debussy and since dear old Claude died circa 1918 (?) ...does this mean David's editor might be legally allowed to churn out a Trellis type score skewed to and replete with those little upper constructions that breathe life into the corpse of many a backing score ?

Please let this be so.., Chas

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Last update: Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 8:18 PM.