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Author Grahame Rhodes
Posted 1/7/04; 6:29:12 PM
Topic look of love
Msg# 4051 (in response to 4048)
Prev/Next 4050/4052
Reads 1589

David. You are totally amazing. My friend Derrick LaLacher has been all over the web trying to find the lead sheet for this. Even to the library of congress in NY. He phoned me this afternoon to book me for a gig on the 1st of next month,and during the conversation he asked me if I had ever heard of this tune. I hadn't but decided to ask you. Just amazing. I have been singing your praises from one coast to the other here in Canada. I know that several very high profile musicians and writers now use your web site.

Keep up the good work. And on behalf of Derrick LeLacher thank's Cheers Grahame

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Last update: Wednesday, January 7, 2004 at 6:29 PM.