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Author David Luebbert
Posted 11/7/03; 12:59:08 AM
Msg# 3935 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 3934/3936
Reads 10683

Two new progression in The Changes

Mr.Chinn's Christmas Preparations

Bernard has prepared improvisations on Silent Night and Jingle Bells, this time including the original melody in his work since these are the hoariest of public domain works.

Keith Jarrett Treasure Trove

While I was tracking down music for Keith Jarrett's tune Margot (thanks for the request, Angelika!), I came across a page that collects links to websites that provide transcriptions of  many of his compositions, including some of his solo piano concerts. I saw mention of a complete score for the Kˆln Concert, a number of tunes from the Facing You album and portions of Bremen and Lausaune (you may need to scroll down inside the last link). Fascinating work to check out.

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Last update: Friday, November 7, 2003 at 1:25 AM.