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Author David Luebbert
Posted 10/7/03; 2:12:53 PM
Msg# 3872 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 3871/3873
Reads 6418

How DO you go about listing original work on SongTrellis?

This moNapoleonrning Napoleon Joseph Martin, a SongTrellis visitor asked me via email: "Do you have an aspiring (for years) songwriters' section ... or is it strictly classics and arrangements thereof?"

Here's how I replied.

Newest chord progression...

is These Foolish Things, submitted last night. Charles Schoonmaker requested it. I felt sure I had already covered it months ago and was going to tell him so, until I checked the listing for The Changes. My memory deceived me. I posted the new arrangement about 20 minutes after I received his mail.

I'm open to requests for tunes to list in The Changes, any style allowed. We currently are overweighted with tunes popular with jazz musicians because that corresponds with my own interests. We need to list way more rock and roll, Latin, classical and ethnic tunes. Let me know what interests you.

David Beecroft

David is a jazz saxophonist, band leader, and composer who bases himself in Berlin. His website is worth checking out.

I was especially impressed with his Saxophone Compositions department. If you press the Audio Player links on that page, you'll  be able to hear David's work. He's embedded mp3 recordings inside of Macromedia Flash format files. The player software he uses starts to stream the recorded sound nearly instantaneously. The original MP3s record David performing the saxophone parts for the compositions over a synthesized accompaniment. They really sound good!

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Last update: Thursday, October 9, 2003 at 4:03 PM.