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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 7/24/03; 4:02:04 PM
Topic SongTrellis News 7/23/03
Msg# 3814 (in response to 3812)
Prev/Next 3813/3815
Reads 757

Dave,  very nice find.

  Of the two passages quoted, the first is an elegant statement of what we all utimately learn....if we keep playing long enough.

The second passage is interesting but debatable.  The Balkans produced the Horo.  The Flamenco may have been influenced by Moors but I've never heard anything to this effect.... and please let us not forget that good 'ol Ludwig Von Beethoven could really kick up the dust when he got going.

I love a good tussle so let's hear more reactions as to the origins of rythmn from the rest of the Trellis membership.

Great stuff and comin' atcha,   Chas

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Last update: Thursday, July 24, 2003 at 10:48 PM.