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Author Chrys
Posted 6/12/03; 11:57:52 AM
Msg# 3752 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 3751/3753
Reads 1341

Hello all! I'm new to this group, and hope you can help me out! I realize that the tunes posted here are jazz tunes, and I've already learned so much. I'm a singer and vocal coach in LA, and am always looking to improve my keyboard playing so I can accompany my students, and myself better. Anyway, I've been asked to sing at a function on Father's Day, and they want me to perform "Papa, Can you Hear me?" from Yentl, (clearly NOT a jazz tune), but I've been working on the changes for about an hour, and I got everything except 2 or 3 measures. The lyrics are "the night is so much darker, the wind is so much colder, the world I see is so much bigger now that I'm alone". I do the tune Fm. Would any of you know what the chords are for those 3 lines? I sure would appreciate it! (I think I could probably get away with singing those lines a cappella if you can't help). Many thanks.

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Last update: Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 11:57 AM.