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Author Grahame Rhodes
Posted 6/2/03; 11:36:00 PM
Msg# 3735 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 3734/3736
Reads 949

Hi there. David asked me to provide a piano score for this tune since I had done another Ivor Novello chart for SongTrellis. 'Lilacs' is not your usual run of the mill chord progression since it was written for an old stage show called 'Perchance to dream.' Anyway it was a pest since that style of piano playing has been somewhat passed over. Basically it's a stride piano piece with the bass providing the changes, but the chords themselves are more scrolled than played in a block. It was really written to be played in a very simple form since the piano player was usually asked to sing the tune at the same time. The best analogy I can come up with is those old British black and white war movies where all the pilots gather round the piano and sing "Roll out the Barrel" kind of deal. Therefore if you play this at all try to use the whole keyboard. Best of luck.

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