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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 5/4/03; 9:16:08 PM
Topic Just Friends
Msg# 3705 (in response to 3703)
Prev/Next 3704/3706
Reads 1424


I'm not Dave but it's nice to know someone is paying attention.

I also pay attention and one thing I've recently learned is how to sub chords with similar tonal values and better yet,  make clean pull-up transitions with either ma7th or +1dims or 7b5 not to mention set up chords like the 7#5ths.  To wit:  Playing and learning is much more fun than raw picky, picky, picky, schtick

I've also noticed that argueing about Eb vs Bb is just a variation on pointless old discussions of !-4-5 slop.

Dave's gonna kill me when he reads this but...what's your question ?....and do you actually have one ?

Submit a re-write of the flawed score for publication on the trellis and attach your name.  That's where the real fun begins....


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