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Author grahame rhodes
Posted 4/21/03; 11:21:31 PM
Msg# 3683 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 3682/3684
Reads 1147

Hi David.

I've been looking for the chords, and melody to this chart. I've been all over the web and even tried contacting Sue Mingus but to no avail. This is a difficult piece of music because every time it was performed the tempos changed. I've heard it done slow and fast. Also I've heard it done live by Mingus and Eric Dolphy in Wuppertal/Elberfeld in 1964. Johnny Coles was supposed to play on this chart but didn't. So the version I heard was a duet with bass and flute. Also it was as an encore, sort of an after thought. Do's anybody have a copy or some line that I could use. I use extensive Mingus material on my club dates and would love to record this chart even if there are residuals to Sue Mingus. That's OK by the way. I have been through all my fake books even the Mingus official one but nothing. So therefore anybody got one??????

                           Cheers and thank's in advance Grahame Rhodes

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Last update: Monday, April 21, 2003 at 11:24 PM.