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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/18/03; 9:38:48 PM
Topic Acpala
Msg# 3669 (in response to 3668)
Prev/Next 3668/3670
Reads 1467

If you follow the link labelled "Download/view this sound (in MIDI format)" that appears in front of the descriptive text on the Acpala page, either a media player or viewer will launch and display or perform the sequence or else a Download dialog will launch.

If a player/viewer launches you can still force a download to occur.

If you are using a browser on a Windows system, right clicking on the link will bring up a contextual menu which will provide the option "Download Link To Disk". If you take this option, a dialog will come up which will alow to choose where you wish the downloaded sequence to be saved on your computer's file system.

On a Macintosh , you can invoke a similar contextual menu, by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on the link.

Once a sequence is downloaded, you should be able to load it into a sequencer or notation program and use the display facilities of that program to visulaize the rhythm. You can also use the sequncer to slow down or speed up the sequence.

If you check out the entry for Acpala in The Rhythms section of SongTrellis, you should see that we provide separate MIDI tracks for each of the subparts of the rhythm.

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Last update: Friday, April 18, 2003 at 9:38 PM.