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Author David Luebbert
Posted 3/30/03; 6:22:15 PM
Topic Bembe Shango (600 bpm)
Msg# 3606 (in response to 3605)
Prev/Next 3605/3607
Reads 1590


Think of this as an experiment to see how far a MIDI drum sequence can be scaled. You are probably right, this has gone past the point of being musical into being quasi-musical noise. Lucky for you, the sequence is available at 5 slower tempos. Also any sequencer can slow this right down to a rate that would most likely please you. Having done it once, you won't have to worry that I'll want to do this again.

I do think it still retains some of the bembe character even at this brutal, inhuman tempo.

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Last update: Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 6:22 PM.