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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 3/30/03; 1:41:29 AM
Topic Article on musician medical problems
Msg# 3603 (in response to 3602)
Prev/Next 3602/3604
Reads 789

To all musicians / members of the trellis or just looky-loo drop-ins,

If you practice diligently and sometimes play the be-jeezus out of your instrument for hours on end,  I highly recommend you click on the blue hypertext link in David's last entry and read the article on musician's medical considerations.

Over the last few months I've queried many working musician friends on the physical problems we encounter.  My own included spells of paralysis in my left hand preceded by spasms and bouts of intense pain.

You may not have now... nor ever will experience any problems but it can be a real SOB when it hits you.   Please read the article.  You might be surprised at the names of notable others who have dealt with these problems and overcome.

Be well and let's thank Dave for posting the link.

...Chas, ( with special thanks to Chet Poslusny).






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Last update: Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 1:41 AM.