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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 2/27/03; 7:32:14 PM
Msg# 3511 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 3510/3512
Reads 1242

In tribute to Fred Rodgers,  let me throw out a few variations on the main line to Mr. Rodger's Theme song.   These are all based on fingerings easy to six-string E-tuned classical guitar.

  They progress from most simple to most fun.  Each is short, sweet and layed out as chord strings without measure break notation... meter is up to you and your tastes but they are all in the key of C so don't tell me I didn't give an easy place to start from....

#1 :(intro. G)....C,  Bb,  A,  Dm, G,  C,  A,  Dm, G,....

#2  .................C,  Bb,  A7, Dm7,  Dm7b5-11,  Cma7,  C#7b5, Dm7, G,

#3  .................C,  Bb7,  A7,  Dm7,  Fm7-9,  Cma7,   A7#5,  D7b5, G...

#4 ..................C,  Bb6-10,  A7#5-A7,  Dm7b5,  Abdim, Bdim,  Cma7-9,   Eb9-13,  D9-13,  G7#5...

String all the preceding togetherif you like....then for a simpe 'would you be mine,  could you be mine,  would you be my neighbor ' wind up...

C,  Dm,  G-G9-Gm7...Cma7,   C ...  [( Cma7 is NEI..,  the C is ..GHBOR)]....neighbor .

Ok, folks,  there's lot's of room for improvement here and I'm sorry that I am unable to notate all the litte finger hammering that flesh out the above variations....let your ear be your guide and have fun.

To me,  this just goes to show how much fun one can have with a few bars of a delightfully simple tune known to all,  thanks to the one-and-only Fred Rodgers.

Thanks,  Chas.







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Last update: Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 7:32 PM.