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Author David Luebbert
Posted 5/21/00; 11:35:50 PM
Msg# 346 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 345/347
Reads 1801

First create a sequence that performs a single or multi-part rhythm using a standard MIDI drumkit. Repeat the rhythm enough times so that your sequence lasts for a minute or two. Set a representative tempo for the sequence.

Next, sign on as a SongTrellis member and enter the Song Discussions discussion group. Click on the "Add a new sound" link and submit your sequence to the discussion group, after you have titled it, identified the name of the rhythm's composer (usually it would be listed as Traditional), identified its location on your system, and optionally typed a description for the sequence.

When your sequence is submitted, it will be transmitted to the SongTrellis database and Songtrellis's webmaster will be notified. He will run a command which will add your sequence to The Rhythms. Your submission will also be listed in the "Our Contributors" page.

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Last update: Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 11:40 PM.