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Author David Luebbert
Posted 12/28/02; 1:56:35 AM
Topic if the moon turned green
Msg# 3282 (in response to 3281)
Prev/Next 3281/3283
Reads 948

Yikes! I thought coming up with a version of Gershwin's Little Jazz Bird was going to be hard job. This one's way worse. A Google search yields exactly 2 links. One of them says the tune was a relatively obscure song from Billie Holiday's songbook.

It has turned nearly totally obscure by now. Both the ASCAP and BMI databases don't admit to knowing this song, which must mean the tune has entered the public domain.

Bea, it's possible you have a recording of this or know someone who has it,  since you're asking for it. Any possibility of looking up the composer/lyricist info?

I think for this one, someone's going to have to find it in the Library of Congress or transcribe it from a recording. Anyone live in Washington, D.C. or have the recording?

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Last update: Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 1:56 AM.