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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 12/11/02; 3:42:41 PM
Topic Let's Fall In Love
Msg# 3204 (in response to 3203)
Prev/Next 3203/3205
Reads 1573

Dave and fellow members,

I am very happy to see this in print and on the site.  I  strongly  advise all members to read and understand David's position vs what can and cannot be disseminated sans royalties.

We members need to appreciate the complexties of Copywrite Law and the restictions under which you operate.

For myself,  I'm quite happy with the existing site.  Yes,  many times I have wished for a melody line to help me wade thru an arrangment but in all honesty,  I'm too cheap to pay for a peek at every melody line in every tune that temporarily piques my interest.    Moreover,  Dave, do you really need the added burden of collecting and funneling schekles to the copywrite kings ?  If such an added work load imperils the present integrity of the site,  I vote NO to any major changes.

Speaking of  'changes',  if one goes online and tries to find music notation, usually the only thing available is lyrics.   Right ?    There are sites which offer 3 or 4 chord rip-offs of old favorites but most of these are mere garbage compared to what we find in  'the changes' on the trellis.

At this point I will stop and again ask all members to read and re-read Dave's explanation of the copywrite nightmare....till it sinks in.

Thanks, Love you all,  Chas




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