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Author David Luebbert
Posted 11/8/02; 8:29:54 AM
Msg# 3067 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 3066/3068
Reads 10958

So much good stuff to tell you about, Today's entry is going to be loooooong! It's my fault since I haven't rolled the home page since September 14th.

If you see new links in the Calendar of New Submissions on the right hand side of the home page, you can tell that there's new activity on the site. If you click on the links as they appear,  you can keep track of the new wonders on SongTrellis before I formally announce them.

Bernard's on a roll

Bernard Chinn has been on an amazing roll the past few weeks. He's submiited eight new compositions since September 25th. First was Deloroso. On October 4th, he sent in Waltz Decimo, his tenth waltz on SongTrellis. Palmyra came in on October 14th. Midnight Waltz on the 20th. Capella and Serenade on October 30th. Charles Schoonmaker enticed Bernard into recording a MIDI piano solo which became Chaz on November 1st. On Sunday, the 3rd, he submitted an orchestral exercise Wrap Around  (which I was able to produce a viewable score for).

These are all very accomplished works that you'll likely enjoy hearing.

Mr. Chinn on composing and arranging with a sequencer

Bernard asked me two weeks ago if I thought folks would be interested if he wrote a series of articles detailing how he does his composing and arranging work using a sequencer (CakeWalk in his case). I told him that I was personally interested in any lore that he might pass on and that others were likely to be also.

 He's posted his first two installments, his introduction and a section that gives hints on how to set up your instrumentation before you start arranging using a template score. He'll do his next installments in a few days. He's also sent in two two harmonic examples (Wrap Around and Descent) to illustrate harmonic ideas that he enjoys working with when he composes. Please give him encouragement if you like what he's doing. I certainly do!

Using it as the creator dreamed you would

When I first started working on this site and daydreamed , I thought musically interested folks would be able to swap musical lore very effectively using the Song Discussions group since it was possible to post illustratiive text with links to small MIDI files that would audibly perform the musical ideas discussed and which would also link in parallel to printable scores that would visually document the musical examples.

With ever increasing frequency, folks are using it in the way I daydreamed they would.. Back on September 15th, Charles Schoonmaker asked for advice on left hand pain he was experiencing with his guitar. He received useful advice from JosÈ, a Spanish jazz guitarist. On September 18, Carlos Selmo asked a question about a feature of Blue Bossa that puzzled him, and Joe Jagelka gave a complete explanation a few hours later.

Grahame Rhodes started a fascinating thread October 15 when he pointed out to us how similar Errol Garner's Misty is to Billy Eckstein's I Want To Talk About You. This lead eventually to Grahame mentioning how much he liked an Ivor Novello tune that we hadn't heard called Someday My Heart Will Awake. He sent me changes for it and I put up a chord arrangement a few hours later. Sid Thomas admitted to being Welsh like Novello and sent me chords for another Novello tune unknown to me, My Dearest Dear,  which resulted in a new chord arrangement for that one also.

On October 19th, Simone asked for assistance figuring which scales work for improvising over Stella by Starlight. There was no answer for awhile.

Robert LaRue sent words of congratulations and thanks and asked if anyone knew changes for Deep Purple and From Russia With Love. A Deep Purple arrangement showed up two hours later and Bernard Chinn came up with changes for "From Russia" in about 24 hours. We had the chord arrangement three hours later.

On October 30th about breakfast time here in Seattle, Farbalot asked for help with the scales for Beautiful Love. By lunch, he had an exercise that spelled out  scales that could be used. By afternoon snack he had an additional exercise which demoed  how to use them to make up an original melody. That lead him to ask how two alternate scales would have worked over the minor ii-V-i progressions used in the tune. He had illustrations for both by the next morning.

Since it was pretty easy to craft answers for Farbalot, I decided I could do the same for Simone's Stella By Starlight query with an exercise that spells out the scales and then another which demonstrates their use in the tune.

Your host's original compositions

I haven't kept up with Bernard, but I've submitted four new originals during this period. Two of them I composed within the last month and the others were stuck in my notebooks waiting to be released. They are entitled 10/14/02 Song, Hip Wiggle, Pulled Into The Car and Old And Forgotten.

And From Nicolas Longuet

Song4don the second tune Nicolas has written memorializing Don Grolnick.

New chord changes

Here's the complete list of what's new in The Changes:

New Rhythms

I've extracted the rhythm parts for three of the tunes from my section in Our Composers and posted them in The Rhythms. They are all polyrhythmic affairs.

They are listed as Hip Wiggle - rhythm part, Half Bell -rhythm part and RealTime - rhythm part

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Last update: Friday, November 8, 2002 at 11:45 AM.