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Author Bernard Chinn
Posted 11/4/02; 2:00:18 AM
Msg# 3052 (top msg in thread)
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Part 2. Composing and arranging with a sequencer.

 I shall assume that you now have your sequencer up and running, and at this point make a cautionary comment. I use Cakewalk, and so my remarks will apply only to this sequencer. I suggest that you become familiar with the various aspects of your sequencer in order to make any adjustments necessary, although I am certain that all sequencers share the same basic functions.

So what about instrumentation - it will depend on what style of music interests you, most sequencers have a pre set series of combinations called templates, and you can use one of these or make your own. Personally, I use 16 tracks for most of my work laid out as follows. Strings 1 2 and 3, ëcello, bass, flutes, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, channel 10 is reserved for percussion, trumpet, trombone, French horn, timpani. Tracks 15 and 16 I leave open for extra instruments as required. Each instrument should have its own channel, to facilitate individual characteristics such as volume etc.

For sheer speed I write everything in concert pitch, and allow the computer to do the hard work of transposing where necessary. (Clarinets, trumpets, etc). If you are making your own template, you can now apply the various Clefs. Strings 1, 2, 3, flute, clarinet, oboe, trumpet can use the treble or G clef, the rest bass or F clef. These will serve most purposes, although trombone would probably be best in tenor clef. I would add that these are personal preferences; the reader will no doubt make his own judgement.

NOTE the percussion channel is preset and I believe cannot be modified. In Cakewalk it is channel 10, but this may vary.

Next week we will present some suggestions on how to use these instruments, in solo form or with combinations, and begin an arrangement.

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Last update: Tuesday, November 5, 2002 at 8:53 AM.