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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 10/23/02; 6:53:23 PM
Topic someday my heart will awake
Msg# 2979 (in response to 2957)
Prev/Next 2978/2980
Reads 1113


On Ravel's Pavane :  I caught a slice of it on the radio and it seemed to be in G.  I 'eared' my way through the first phrases based on G but had to stop.  Ravel wanders so beautifully,  I didn't dare risk butchering this piece by attempting to conjure the rest from memory.

My situation is this :  I don't read standard 'bullet hole'  musical notation.  However,  the marvelous 'alphabet soup' compressions that overscore the staffs on David's site are manna to me.  I eat them up.  Candy.  The details I eke out by ear,  no problem.

As this relates to the Pavane,  the fluid shifts Ravel uses both intrigue and frustrate. I dislike pulling music directly from a recording so I resist going out and buying a CD...that feels like cheating and I can be a s**t h**d purist when it comes to cheating.

I thankyou for any help you might muster.  My initial foray into this beauty turned up no difficult fingerings.  The overall structure may be the fun bear to wrassel.  Perhaps an alphabet soup version is my first wish.

Someday we must have a conversation as to what constitutes 'Classical' music.  If you are familiar with Glenn Gould's take on all the Motzart he had to record,  you'll know where I'm starting from.

Be well and if it isn't too cheeky, tell your mother-in-law Charles says. 'Hello,  good to have you with us !'




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Last update: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 6:53 PM.