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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/19/02; 6:27:58 PM
Topic Alfie's Theme
Msg# 2505 (in response to 1917)
Prev/Next 2504/2506
Reads 2858

Wayne Osborne asked today via email:

How could Sonny Rollins have written Alfie, when it was written by Burt Bacharach?
My answer:
Hi Wayne,
   Bacharach's ballad Alfie is not the same tune as Sonny Rollins Alfie's Theme. The way I understand it (I've never seen the movie)  Sonny Rollins composed most of the background music for the film. Oliver Nelson arranged his music for big band and Rollins soloed over those arrangements with a big band conducted by Nelson.
Burt Bacharach wrote his tune which was worked into the movie in some context. That ballad was the big popular music success from the film.
  Rollins' score wasn't a commercial blockbuster, but those who follow Sonny's music like to check out his work on the soundtrack. Here's a link to the soundtrack album:
Best wishes,
Dave Luebbert
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