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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/5/02; 7:53:22 AM
Msg# 2467 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2466/2468
Reads 2325

La Folia

This is the name of a chord progession that's been used for compositions in Western music since the late 1600s. La Folia, A Musical Cathedral can tell you all about it.

It sounded very interesting so I created a MIDI rendition for this site.

New in The Changes this week

Links for the Mandolin Minded

I was just checking through the sites that reference SongTrellis and found this site with lots of useful references for the student of the mandolin.

The Wiener Dog Polka

Did anyone else catch that bit on NPR's All Things Considered this evening about a Polka Festival that's happening in Portland? They played a tune, Wiener Dog, that was played by a band named Polkacide. (I am sure I'd be classified as polkacidal) The clarinet part did a hysterical imitation of a yapping dachshund. I laughed so hard while I drove that I nearly ran off the road. Luckily I was in a rural area so I didn't hurt anyone.

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Last update: Friday, April 5, 2002 at 9:44 PM.