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Author dsbe
Posted 12/28/01; 4:49:49 PM
Msg# 2310 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2309/2311
Reads 1814

It's been a while since I've posted, but I have found the site an invaluable resource as an amateur jazz guitarist trying to figure out some of the complex chording of some of the old greats.

Currently, I'm interested in learning the changes to a Vince Guaraldi piece from 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' called "Skating." It's a quick waltz with the melody being played as sort of series of downward arpeggios. I'm working on the melody parts, but knowing the correct changes would be a huge help. If anyone can help, please jot me an e-mail at:

Many thanks to all and happy 2002!


Bill Winans, Albany NY

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Last update: Friday, December 28, 2001 at 4:49 PM.