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Author David Luebbert
Posted 10/18/01; 7:38:10 PM
Msg# 2167 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2166/2168
Reads 1417

New chord progressions in The Changes this week:

Ghost Limbs

Back on September 21st, I posted a composition, Ghost Limbs, which memorializes those murdered on September 11th. I was still affected so much then that I couldn't bring myself to change the home page in order to bring it to anyone's attention.

Here's the tune's introductory text:

"We feel the loss of the thousands of our brothers and sisters killed in last week's mass murder, and the loss of an extraordinarily vital part of a great city as an amputation. And just as many amputees still feel their lost limb, we still feel the presence of those we have lost. "

I know some have found it by browsing through the site's calendar since it has 44 hits already. I'm ready to formally introduce it to you now.

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