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Author David Luebbert
Posted 8/20/01; 12:17:19 PM
Msg# 2091 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2090/2092
Reads 1072

On 8/8/01, while I was away travelling,  Verizon Online, the DSL provider for SongTrellis deleted the support for our DSL service from their switches. This was apparently due to a mixup that ensued when we tried to change telephone numbers at my residence, and simultaneously transfer our DSL bindings to the new telephone number. We  ran with the necessary changes for nearly two weeks before the trip, but this was no guarantee that what Verizon had giveth it would not later take away without notice.

To make matters worse, when we noticed that the site had become non-functional Verizon could not tell us what had happened. When I finally was able to track down someone knowledgeable at Verizon on Friday August 10th while on the road, they were finally able to tell me that my service had been deleted. Not only that, it was impossible to quickly reinstate the service because the equipment in the switching office that provided our circuit had been torn down. It looks likely that we may have our circuit restored within the next two weeks.

What a nightmare! When I returned from my trip late Friday afternoon, I was able to get commitment to temporarily host the site via OlyPen, a small ISP on Washington's Olmpic Penninsula that I have a relationship with. When they opened for business this morning, we changed our Domain name registration to point to a back up PC that has a copy of SongTrellis's database current as of 8/3/01.

There were a number of items that had been submitted to the site in the five days before the outage. They are safe on our main SongTrellis server. Later this evening, I will migrate those new submissions  into the backup database so that you will be able to see everything as of the moment we went down.

I apologize for the interruption in our service. I will do my best to minimize future inconvenience to you.

With this change to our domain registration, any mail you send to me at should be rerouted to my backup email ID If mail to SongTrellis bounces, try sending it directly to


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Last update: Monday, August 20, 2001 at 12:19 PM.