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Author David Luebbert
Posted 7/25/01; 7:05:17 PM
Msg# 2035 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2034/2036
Reads 2361

It seems like the transfer to our new IP address has completed. We're getting our usual hit counts at the new location this afternoon.

Thanks for your patience while the transfer took place. I had a little trouble keeping the back server alive on the old IP. Once or twice a day its telecommunications link would drop and I would have to travel cross town to restart it. If you couldn't get through to the site during those periods, I ask for your indulgence

Moon And Sand

Sid Thomas submitted a chord progression for Alec Wilder's Moon And Sand  last night. You can find it in The Changes now, which brings our chord sequence count to 533. I was unfamiliar with the tune. It's a beautiful progression. Thanks, Sid!

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Last update: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 7:06 PM.