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Author David Luebbert
Posted 6/5/01; 3:25:16 PM
Msg# 1891 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 1890/1892
Reads 2142

 We finally have more than 500 chord progressions listed in The Changes.

We reached 500 on May 24th, when I listed Miles Davis' Circle.

We can can handle many more unusual chord sequences. Last week I worked hard as a software developer. I changed the SongTrellis Editor so that I could use many new types of chords in scores. I added added a number of the obvious extensions of major, minor and dominant chords to the program's palette of chords(MA9, MA7(#11), MA7(#5) 6(add 9), mi9, mi11, mi6(9), 7(#9),7(#11), 7#5, 7(b9b13), 9, 11, 13, 7sus(b9)).

There were many songs written since the 1960's that I could not notate properly till these chord types became available. If you tried to write them without these extensions they sounded wrong.

Three of these, which I submitted this weekend after the code started to work, were Wayne Shorter's Dear Sir, Dance Cadaverous, and Limbo.

As I tested, I composed a tune, No Guide, that uses some of these new harmonies. I submitted it Sunday evening and asked John Shaw-Rimmington to listen to it. I asked him specifically if I was loosing a monster on the world. He thought it was a little monstrous, and changed the melody in a number or places to be more to his taste. After I heard his version, I asked him to post his tune, which he provisonally has named Misguided Miss. Listen to both of these and let us know if you like them (or not).

This is something I hope happens more and more frequently on SongTrellis. I want this to be a place where composers and improvisors of all ability levels can hang out, discuss their musical problems, and show each other what they can do..

Discussion of alternate progressions

Last night a SongTrellis member, Jerry Levinson, sent in chord substitutions to use with I Thought About You and Lullaby Of Birdland. As soon as I read his messages this morning, I prepared illustrative MIDI sequences so you can hear how the substitutions sound and linked them to his suggestions.

This site is probably the best place on the web for exploring all of the different ways chord sequences can be varied.

Every submission of music to the site is automatically the head of a discussion thread in Song Discussions.

If you have any ideas or questions about any piece on the site, login and type your text in the response box that appears at the end of any tune's page and press the Post Message button at the bottom of the page. Your comment or question will be added to the end of the thread for that tune and will show up as the newest message in today's message list in Song Discussions.

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Last update: Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 10:35 AM.