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Author David Luebbert
Posted 5/8/01; 2:57:14 AM
Msg# 1789 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 1788/1790
Reads 2451

I started doing jury duty yesterday. While I was waiting in the jury room at the King County Courthouse for my name to be called, I did 13 new chord progression arrangements. I'll be submitting those to the site over the next few days to disguise the fact that I'm not actively working on the site, but am instead listening to testimony in a civil lawsuit.

Here are the submissions to The Changes since I last rolled the home page:

I also wrote two examples of boogie blues accompaniment and submitted alternate changes for Mal Waldron's Soul Eyes.

Bernard Chinn has been busy.

 His newest submissions are entitled Shuna, March of The Monarchs, Cresta Run, March Of The Magi, Bernie's Bossa, Lakeside, Minor Miracle.

Directory Changes

I've added two new links to the site directory. There's a Cool Links page that lists sites on the Web that I've found useful in my work on SongTrellis. The Useful Books link lists the books that I've found useful during my music studies.

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Last update: Tuesday, May 8, 2001 at 3:24 AM.