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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/25/01; 1:55:41 PM
Topic Goldberg
Msg# 1750 (in response to 1748)
Prev/Next 1749/1751
Reads 1587

John, I found a source of MIDI format versions of the Goldberg Variations that read very nicely into the SongTrellis Editor. Since these already exist on an existing web site, I don't feel as though I can make copies and offer them via the SongTrellis site. I don't think they can object to me sending traffic their way via the instructions listed below.

 When you open the scores, you'll see the music and can print the scores or can save in GIF image format.

  The editor has some problem reading the aria. It doesn't crash but it does mess up the time values. I'll work on fixing this bug. Despite this, I have successfully read variations 1 through 7 with it. With that record, perhaps the other 23 will read without impediment.

With the melody voice defaults set as they are the parts initially play with violin instrumentation. It's no problem to change this to piano or harpsichord with Edit/Select Instruments.

Anyway, here how to find the links. They come from the J.S. Bach page of The Classical Archives, a huge compendium of classical MIDI files. Search on the Bach page for the Goldberg Variations. It's a little more than halfway down the page. The fourth listing for the Goldberg Variations by D. Grossman presents the variations as one large MIDI file and as separate files. The separate files can be read by the editor. If you hold down the control key on your browser you should be able to download the links rather than play them. From there you can open them with the editor.

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