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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/5/01; 10:06:59 AM
Topic misty
Msg# 1678 (in response to 1677)
Prev/Next 1677/1679
Reads 2039


 You mean Misty performed by Johnny Mathis, composed by Errol Garner, right? Do you want a tab that shows exactly how the bass is played on that performance or do want to see an example bass line for the tune?

I did a search on Google and found this guitar tab for Misty: 

I don't have any capability yet for producing guitar or bass tablature. If it's useful, I may be able to produce an example walking bass line for Misty in a MIDI file and produce a score for that. This would be an amateur production since I'm still learning how to do reasonable bass lines. Let me know if you'd like this.

Are there any  visitors to SongTrellis who would be willing to produce an example bass line or else correct errors in one that I write?

There are responses to this message:
  • Re: misty, peter Kejzar, 4/6/01; 12:30:56 PM

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