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Author David Luebbert
Posted 3/27/01; 10:45:24 PM
Msg# 1646 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 1645/1647
Reads 1689

SongTrellis Waltz Master

We have a new composer, Bernard Chinn, who has been submitting impressive work. Many of his compositions are orchestral waltzes. Writing waltzes would seem anachronistic to many, but Bernard seems to have a great affection for the waltz. His work in that form is very imaginative and very polished. His jazz and rag pieces are very good also. The wonderful craftsmanship he uses in preparing his MIDI files is worth checking out.

Since Sunday, he has submitted 12 pieces. He sends three or four, I listen, reply with compliments and he submits a few more. Here's a link for Bernard's page in Our Composers.

New piece by your webmaster

I finished a new composition yesterday and submitted it. Check out Caught In Currents.

Icct Hedral Rhythms

Richard D. James, the Aphex Twin, is an inventor of many cool rhythms in his techno compositions. His piece, Icct Hedral, is built on two background rhythms that alternate througout the piece. I transcribed them and orchestrated them for rhythm instruments. In the Aphex Twin performance of Icct Hedral, these rhythms are played by strings. For your listening, composing and dancing pleasure: Icct Hedral - timeline and Icct Hedral - alternate rhythm.

Other rhythm work

I added individual parts for the subrhythms of Macuta in The Rhythms. Also added new MIDIs for the long bell and short bell patterns, two rhythms that are incredibly important in African music.

Waxing longer on Wayne Shorter

I've found changes for some of earlier compositions from the early 60's and have prepared arrangements. He played many of these with Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers. New this week:

(Please don't hurt me for the pun. John Shaw-Rimmington inflicted it on me a few weeks ago.)

Remedial GIFs

A reader noticed that we were still missing printed scores for a number of pieces listed in The Changes. I responded by releasing GIF images for Speak No Evil, Little Red's Fantasy, Blue in Green, Clair de Lune, Chopin's Etudes in C minor, E Major, Gb Major and the Mazurka in Ab Major, April In Paris, The Night Has a Thousand Eyes and Penny Lane. If you see any that are missing that you need, please send me email.

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Last update: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 11:21 PM.