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Author David Luebbert
Posted 3/4/01; 9:49:39 AM
Topic Black Orpheus
Msg# 1470 (in response to 1469)
Prev/Next 1469/1471
Reads 3152

John, since you're a beta tester for the SongTrellis Editor you should be able to get something that is way more useful than the GIF image.

Here's how: go to the Black Orpheus page. Next press the "Download/view this sound" link. It should download to your hard disk. You should find a BlackOrpheus.mid file has appeared on your Desktop.Then launch the Editor and open BlackOrpheus.mid. It will open as a SongTrellis score and the chords in the score should be labelled with the appropriate chord symbols.

You should be able to listen to the chord progression while the Editor animates the playback. You can slow the score down if you want to practice with it. You compose with it. You can use harmonic coloring  to show the harmonic intervals used in the chords. You can "Color By Note Name" to see which pitches participate in the harmony.  

I will put out the GIF image later today. I think I put off doing that because the Editor doesn't mark pickup bars properly  yet. The form of Black Orpheus starts one bar into the score because it begins with a pickup bar.

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Last update: Sunday, March 4, 2001 at 9:49 AM.