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Author David Luebbert
Posted 12/21/99; 9:47:35 PM
Msg# 144 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 143/145
Reads 1180

#title "Luebbert's Tune Cellar" #metaDescription "Original Musical Compositions composed by David Luebbert in MIDI format" #metaKeywords "musical compositions, David Luebbert, midi files, original" {SongDiscussion.["#tools"].randmid(SongDiscussionManilaWebsite)}

Luebbert's Tune Cellar
Dave Luebbert's Musical Compositions
The wine has fermented much too long
and demands to be uncorked

I started writing small musical compositions for myself 17 years ago. Those earliest compositions took days to compose. The effort was exhausting.

I know lots more about music now and have written tools to help the process along. Of the 80 sounds cellared here, two thirds were composed in the last two years. Nearly all of these recent compositions were composed in an hour or two using a Macintosh music composition application, Vox, that I wrote in my spare time.

Wayne Shorter, John Coltrane, Herbie Hancock, Elvin Jones, Tony Williams, Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk, and Ornette Coleman are my heroes in music. Most of these tunes were written with improvisation in mind and use a musical language that these men helped to invent. The chord sequences of these tunes ('the changes') are interesting objects in their own right and to my ears are fun to listen to even when the melody is not played.

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Last update: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at 11:30 PM.