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Author David Luebbert
Posted 2/6/01; 11:50:16 PM
Msg# 1358 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 1357/1359
Reads 2916

SongTrellis gets lift

This site feels like it's starting to fly. It took a year for the site to accumulate it's first 100 members. It's taken only a week to get the next 20. The number of hits is ramping also. We've had two doublings of site traffic in the last six weeks. We're getting very high rankings in search requests handled by Google, Altavista, AllTheWeb, AOL Search, Lycos and Northern Light.

Most exciting, folks are starting to use the discussion group, Song Discussions, to discuss chord progressions and to submit new musical compositions. Nicolas Longuet and Paul Mulcahy were the pioneers last summer, but since then we've had a long drought. All of a sudden, John Shaw-Rimmington submitted two compositions, Hymn For Him and Morningside. Hymn for Him is a MIDI performance of a choral work John is working on. Morningside is one of his first attempts to write a jazz composition.

This evening Brent Holl submitted three compositions written by his students that are very impressive: Jewe (Gathering) , Jamaica Jazz , and Cooking Light. These all use polyrhythms in very melodic ways.

Yesterday  Joep Blom spoke about alternate voicings his band uses on Blue Bossa. From his suggestions I prepared three different variations on the Blue Bossa changes to illustrate their ideas.

Chord and chord progression lessons

I'm very embarassed that I haven't been able to complete the missing topics in The Lessons. I've had a severe writer's block that's interfered with their completion. I'm moving now. I've placed outlines for the Chord and Chord Progression lessons on the site. I'm nearly finished writing a section on Cadences for the Chord progression lesson. I've submitted a lot of the musical examples I'll be using in this lesson and the one that introduces the cycle of fourths.

The usual activity

We keep adding chord progressions to The Changes. New over the last two weeks are:

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Last update: Thursday, February 8, 2001 at 6:52 AM.