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Author David Luebbert
Posted 1/5/01; 8:54:56 AM
Topic Song Lyrics?
Msg# 1208 (in response to 1207)
Prev/Next 1207/1209
Reads 1946

My reply to Bob's query:
Hi Bob,
    I think I can't afford to do it at this stage of development of the site. I can present chord sequence arrangements because the composer and lyricist do not hold copyright to those. To be legal, I would need publisher's permission for every lyric I list on the site. Since I'm currently the person doing most of the work on the site, trying to get clearance for lyrics would slurp up too much of my time.
  There are sites on the web that present lyrics. Perhaps over time, SongTrellis users can reply to the messages that hold chord sequences on the site and add links to the proper lyrics for the tunes. To show how it can be done, I've added lyrics links to All The Things You Are and A Ghost of A Chance. I added target="_blank" declarations to the links so that the lyrics show up in a separate window while the changes continue to play.
  If left to my own devices, I'll slowly go back through the existing tunes over thr next year or so and add lyrics links one or two at a time. If anyone wants to see this happen at a faster rate, feel free to respond to changes and record the proper link.
Best wishes,
Dave Luebbert
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Last update: Friday, January 5, 2001 at 8:54 AM.