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Author David Luebbert
Posted 12/3/00; 8:05:33 PM
Msg# 1083 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 1082/1084
Reads 1650

A Search hint

I've been watching the site logs again. I've noticed folks who come to the site via search engines who are looking for a particular tune and then get sidetracked. Usually it happens because the search engine directs the user to the SongTrellis home page. The initial listing for many tunes happens on that page first, so perhaps that's why the engines list that link first.

Anyway, the link they want is probably deep in that page. It's certainly too hard to search through the SongTrellis home page a line at a time. If you select the top of the home page, use Find command from your browser's  Edit menu and type in the name of a tune, it will most likely take you right to the link you're looking for.

New tunes listed

We've got our first Hank Williams chordx progressions on the site now in The Changes: Your Cheatin' Heart and Hey, Good Lookin'. I think it's important to have examples of songs with very simple chord progressions like these two or like some of John Lennon's tunes to see what can be done with cut-down-to-the-bone simple harmony.

Also have

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Last update: Sunday, December 3, 2000 at 8:35 PM.