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Author David Luebbert
Posted 11/30/00; 8:38:01 AM
Msg# 1077 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 1076/1078
Reads 1871

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<outline text="SongTrellis - Music And Musical Know-How For You ">

<outline text="SongTrellis Home Page - News, Recent contributions" type="link" url=""/>

<outline text="Latest Topics - A newest-first listing of this month's contributions" type="link" url=""/>

<outline text="SongTrellis Composers - Composers Who Present Work on SongTrellis">

<outline text="Main Directory" type="link" url=""/>

<outline text="Albert Chiu" type="link" url=",Albert/tunelist"/>

<outline text="Nicolas Longuet" type="link" url=",Nicolas/tunelist"/>

<outline text="David Luebbert" type="link" url=",David/tuneclas"/>

<outline text="Matt Luebbert" type="link" url=",Matt/tunelist"/>

<outline text=Paul Mulcahy type="link" url=",Paul/tunelist"/>


<outline text="SongTrellis Music Editor For Mac">

<outline text="Feature Summary" type="link" url=""/>

<outline text="Complete Feature List" type="link" url=""/>

<outline text="Impressive things you can do with the SongTrellis Music Editor in two minutes or less" type="link" url="$862"/>


<outline text="The Rhythms - African, Afro-Cuban And Swing Rhythms" type="link" url=""/>

<outline text="The Changes - Chord Progressions for Practice, Improvisation, Composition and Study" type="link" url=""/>

<outline text="The Animations - Musical Scores Animated As QuickTime movies" type="link" url=""/>

<outline text="From Nothing To Something in 144 minutes - case study showing how Dave Luebbert created a new tune with the SongTrellis Music Editor in a few hours one afternoon" type="link" url="$695"/>

<outline text="Become A SongTrellis Composer - Reasons to present your work on the SongTrellis site" type="link" url="$258"/>

<outline text="SongTrellis Jukebox - Will visit in random order some of the better original compositions submitted to SongTrellis. A description of a tune will display in your browser and the tune will play as a background sound. When the tune completes a new tune's description will come forward and begin to play. Refreshing a tune description page will cause the tune to restart. Pressing the Jukebox link in the link bar at the top of a page will interrupt whatever is playing and start a new tune." type="link" url=""/>

<outline text="Webmaster's Biography" type="link" url="$376"/>




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Last update: Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 9:16 AM.