Top > SongTrellis Site How-Tos > How To Use The SongTrellis Excerpt Service links which appear in many sections of SongTrellis (The Composers, The Changes, The Rhythms). |
| If you encounter a link to the "SongTrellis Excerpt Service" on a tune page, follow it. A page will launch which will allow to capture an excerpt from the tune that you were viewing when you pressed the link. |
| By default the form on that page is setup to request a four bar excerpt that includes bars 1 through 4 from that tune. When you press the "Play" button on that form, the requested excerpt will be delivered to the web page as a downloadable MIDI file and will start to play, If you wish you download the excerpted MIDI file from this page. The excerpt service will also deliver a printable score in JPEG format of the excerpt. |
| If you change the First Bar or Last Bar fields in the form, you can request that a different excerpt from the original be delivered to your browser. |
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Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 12/11/15; 1597 hits. |