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Top > SongTrellis Site How-Tos > How To Use The SongTrellis Excerpt Service links which appear in many sections of SongTrellis (The Composers, The Changes, The Rhythms).
 If you encounter a link to the "SongTrellis Excerpt Service" on a tune page, follow it. A page will launch which will allow to capture an excerpt from the tune that you were viewing when you pressed the link.
 By default the form on that page is setup to request a four bar excerpt that includes bars 1 through 4 from that tune. When you press the "Play" button on that form, the requested excerpt will be delivered to the web page as a downloadable MIDI file and will start to play, If you wish you download the excerpted MIDI file from this page. The excerpt service will also deliver a printable score in JPEG format of the excerpt.
 If you change the First Bar or Last Bar fields in the form, you can request that a different excerpt from the original be delivered to your browser.
Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 12/11/15; 1597 hits.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.